'21 Model Calves Are Here
posted on
March 16, 2021
Don't you love daffodils? They are just amazing to me. The ones pictured below are just growing out in one of our pastures and are so pretty!

The cows have started calving! I love seeing the newborn calves wobbling around and starting out in life. I'm not as involved with the cows as I was since my Dad and brother-in-law are taking care of them, but as often as I can I like to go check up on them.
I don't know if I wrote about our recent change with our cows or not. I'm now buying the weaned calves from my Dad and Dwayne, (my brother-in-law) and finishing them out and taking them to the processor.
It was hard to let go of the momma cows but it certainly frees up some time for me.

We finally have broiler chicks again! That means that in 6-8 weeks we'll have whole, dressed chickens for you to enjoy.
They are doing great and enjoying their Chick Dorm that I built for them.

Let's see... What other tidbits would you like to hear about?
Laying hens. I've been selling our laying hens and getting ready for a fresh batch of pullets. I should have them by this Saturday.
As soon as they start laying we'll have more eggs than we know what to do with.
I think that's all the news I have for this week. Have a great day,