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A Time To Laugh

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April 20, 2021

Eggs & Bacon

I may not be a gourmet chef, but... when I storm the kitchen and try my hand at making breakfast this is about as far as my culinary skills take me.

I think that some good home grown bacon and scrambled eggs are hard to beat. Add a dash of Cajun Southern Seasoning to them and you talk about good.


Piglet Heartbreak

Last week I mentioned that I had my fingers crossed that the piglets would all survive. Well, unfortunately I had reason to be worried.

One afternoon when I checked on them, we found several of the piglets down in the creek. Miraculously they were alive and survived but I knew something needed to be done to keep that from happening again.

I put up some pig netting around the sow and piglets and all was well for several days until... I came out and found several of the piglets stuck in the net. Dead.

Talk about making me sick to the stomach. Here the very thing that prevented death by drowning in the creek killed them when they got stuck in it. Needless to say I was quite blue for several days. Still am for that matter.



The cattle are loving all the lush, green grass these days! I think they're quite spoiled, getting moved to a fresh paddock every afternoon, but I guess they kinda run the show.

Well that's all for now,

P.S. Farm Tour Sign-up deadline is April 24. Don't miss the chance to enjoy a front row seat and see how your food is being raised. Tour is scheduled for May 1 @ 10 a.m.

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