New Beef Bundles in stock. Order yours today.

Are You Ready For BBQ?

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posted on

June 22, 2021

No drought here just yet! I've never seen as much water as I have this June. I believe we've had at least 14 inches of rain so far this month.

I guess the good part of all that is we've got lots of green grass... and that means the cows and sheep are getting fat.

Several days ago we got the sheep caught and I sold some to farmer friend who is starting his own flock.

We then got the ram lambs separated out and put them in with my fattening steers. The rams averaged 85 lbs. Before long they will be ready for processing!


These steers and ram lambs have it 'made in the shade!' They are some of the nicest looking animals I have raised.

We have halves available if you'd like to order in bulk and get your freezer stocked. Talk with your friends and maybe they'd like to split a whole or a half with you.

Cattle Field Day

I'm looking forward to attending the South Poll cattle field day later this week. I've always wanted to go to one of these events but it's never worked out. 

They also have a cattle auction and it was at one of these sales that my dad purchased my first South Poll bull and two heifers for me while we were still out of the country.

Have a great day,

P.S. Have you tried any of our bacon yet? You'll love it!

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