New Beef Bundles in stock. Order yours today.

Chickens Chillin'

written by


posted on

October 20, 2020

How are you enjoying this beautiful fall weather? It's been an awesome fall thus far.


Even if it took us till 9 p.m. to get all the chickens stowed away in the freezer. We were all very glad to call it a day after our chicken processing day last Friday.

It's been fun raising broilers this year and we hope to do more next year, but for now we're taking a break and going "NUTS" (pecan season is upon us and we've already been cracking and shelling some for the public).



One of my cousins sent me the following advice. I told him I had neither. (see image below)


Pork Update

We thought we'd have our freezers stocked with pasture raised pork by now, but....things happen I guess. We've been held up waiting on the processor due to some equipment issues.

We think we're getting close to getting in and having them processed but have quit making estimates until we actually have them there.

Life On the Farm


If curiosity kills the cat, what will happen to these fine steers?

They were all lined up yesterday trying to see what was going on on the other side of the fence.

We're not sure how our deliveries will come together yet during pecan season, but we want to continue supplying you with wholesome farm-raised beef, chicken, pork and lamb during the next several months.

We may have to enlist some help for our delivery days but we'll keep you posted.


P.S. We have a good supply of fresh, pasture raised, GMO free eggs.

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