Pecans Available Nov. 15! Get Your Order In Now.

Chicks Are Ordered

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posted on

February 2, 2021

Some of you have asked about our broilers. The bad news is we're sold out. The GOOD news is we have several batches ordered!

We like to wait until the weather warms up and it isn't so horribly wet to start raising our pastured broilers.

Once we get them, we raise them indoors for three weeks and then out on pasture for another 4 - 5 weeks.


In the mean time, be thinking of how many you'd like to order this year and that will help us know how many batches to do.

Yesterday I dumped about 80,000 catfish fingerlings into my pond and hope to get the rest of our fish ponds stocked this week.

That's always exciting and also scary dumping all those fish out there. Hoping for a good fish year!

That's all for this week,

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