New Beef Bundles in stock. Order yours today.

Short & Sweet

written by


posted on

April 27, 2021

I won't keep you long with this newsletter. Seems I've been running fairly hard the last number of days and time to sit at the computer is scarce.

Yesterday I took in 3 beef and 5 pigs. We'll soon have our freezers full of pork. Beef supply is still a bit on the lean side.

Of the 3 beef I took in, 2 whole cows and a quarter are spoken for so that doesn't leave me a lot to stock our freezers with but there's more out in the pastures!

Pictured below are the three beeves that went in Monday.


Jet Puffed Marshmallows Anyone?

Last week we had some hay cut and baled. We baled it while it still had a good bit of moisture in it and then had someone come with a machine and wrap it.

​It will ensile inside the wrap and this winter will make really good feed for the cattle.


I think that about wraps it up for this week. If you need fresh, pasture raised eggs, we've got plenty of those right now.

Tell your friends and neighbors where they can get good eggs.

Have a great week,

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