New Beef Bundles in stock. Order yours today.

Something Fun & Exciting in the Making

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posted on

January 26, 2021

In the midst of all this staying cooped up at home, wouldn't a day out in the country be refreshing?

We don't think it's right that we should be the only ones to enjoy our quiet, country setting and are thinking and planning a farm tour complete with a home-cooked meal featuring our delicious, pasture raised meat products.

You'll definitely want to stayed tuned for more info on that in future emails.

Baby Lambs Arriving:

To date we've had 5 lambs born! It's a little early for such but we're glad to see them.


Pecan Pie:

Well, maybe not exactly pecan pie, but the pigs sure did enjoy these pecans.

A customer brought some pecans over that had been sitting in their garage for several years.

After cracking a few of them and sampling them we decided they weren't worth cracking and shelling so I took them out to the pigs.


That's all for this week,

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