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July 3, 2021

There's no better time than now to get stocked up for summer grilling! 

Use coupon code: 'Summer Grilling' at checkout for 12% Off! (expires 7/08/21)

We've done some grilling lately and it's been hard to keep from overeating. One evening we grilled porkchops. 

I marinated them for several hours in our Head Country All Purpose Marinade and they were very good. Another evening we grilled bone-in rib eyes. I like to just salt & pepper them and I added a dash of Head Country Original Seasoning. Even my wife thought they were good

South Poll Field Day

We had a good time at the field day in Trenton, Tn. 

Dad, Carlton and I left out around 8 a.m. Friday morning and arrived in time for the opening ceremony at 1.

What exactly are South Poll cattle?

South Poll is a 4-way cross between Red Angus, Hereford, Barzona and Senepol cattle. The breed was developed by Teddy Gentry at the Bent Tree farm in Fort Payne, Al.

Teddy wanted a breed of cattle that could perform in the deep South on grass. They are a small frame breed of cattle and some of their characteristics are: gentle, strong maternal traits, slick hided & perform well on a grass only diet.

While it is a relatively small breed compared to, say, Angus or some of the other well known breeds of cattle, it seems to be catching on and more and more ranchers are becoming interested in building their herds using South Poll genetics.

They said it was the largest field day ever! I think they served over 500 folks on Saturday. We were hoping to come home with a new bull but I guess we weren't willing to pay the price. 

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