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Winter Update

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December 18, 2019

My! How the time flies. Here it is December already and I haven't written a blog post for several months. Shame on me.


      Our cows are doing well despite the frequent rains and muddy conditions. I'm trying something different for me this year. Back in November, before it got really wet, I had my hay hauled and distributed throughout some of my pastures. I set them out in rows of four with 100' spacing between bales and that much or more between rows. 

      I set up my temporary poly-wire fence between the rows and let the cows eat the hay and then move my fence to give them access to more hay. So far, I'm really happy with what I've been seeing. Instead of cows standing belly deep in mud because of being fed in the same spot, there's very little mud, and the best part is, I'm getting all those valuable nutrients that plop down out of the south end of a north bound cow evenly distributed across my pastureland!


        We're excited! Our first lambs went to the processor on Monday. Can't wait to get that meat home and try it out! I've never had lamb meat before. We have some of it spoken for, but if you'd like to try out our all-natural, 100% grass-fed lamb, now's your chance.

        That's all for now. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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