We Survived a Blizzard

What a beautiful morning we had yesterday! It was absolutely awesome to see the carpet of white.Our chickens weren't so sure what to think about it all. January Only: For the remainder of the month, we're going to offer our 'Buy One, Gift One, Get One!' (while supplies last) How it works: Buy a dozen eggsWe'll give you a dozen eggs to give to a friendWhen your friend signs up and creates an account with us and mentions your name, we'll give you a dozen eggs as a thank-you.Buy One, Get One Sausage Making Day January 9 was the long awaited sausage making day!We have a friend who has the needed equipment and a love of fresh, home-made sausage and who is willing to have a bunch of his friends over for a good ole fashioned butcher day.Friday we skinned and cleaned 3 pigs and put them in his reefer trailer to chill overnight.Saturday morning 8 of us families and our children gathered at the shop and proceeded to cut up, grind, season and stuff sausage.We did 3 whole hogs plus a bunch of Boston butts from the store.All told we ended up with 615 lbs. of sausage! Pardon me for saying it, but you can't buy sausage anywhere that tastes as good as that sausage!Maybe someday we'll have our own butcher shop and can come close to duplicating it.To top off the day, in the evening Kevin brought over his big, homemade Hibachi grill and we had pancakes, grilled sausage and fresh eggs from our flock of chickens. Talk about a feast and a great way to end a fun, although tiring day.

Happy New Year!

The holidays are past, family gatherings are over and the diets have begun! I hope you had a great Christmas season and are off to a good start in this new year.We had a great time with family and other than eating too much, (and losing a few corn-toss games to my brother-in-law) it was a blessing.I didn't officially make any New Year's resolutions but I did start cutting back on the food intake and have started exercising with the goal of becoming a little more fit. I'm too young to be as out of shape as I've let myself become. Around the Farm: The cattle are doing fine. Thankfully, it's been a mild winter and not so horribly wet like the last couple of winters. Cattle and sheep don't mind the cold but don't appreciate the wet, muddy conditions of a wet winter.Pigs are growing. We should have some more pigs ready for processing mid-summer.Chickens faithfully lay their beautiful, brown eggs. They've slowed down a little due to the shorter daylight hours but we're still getting a nice amount of eggs every day. Half side of beef: Our first scheduled processing date for beef is April 26. If you'd like to get in line for a custom processed half of beef you may due so now.We're also going to be offering a pre-cut half of beef soon. What that means is you won't have to make all the decisions about how to get your half cut up. We'll take care of all that for you. As soon as we have those half beef bundles available we'll let you know. We'll also offer smaller bundles like a quarter and eighth of a cow bundles. Stay tuned for when those are available. Reserve Half of Beef Now. That's all for this week. Have a great day,Craig

Lamb Bundles Available Soon

December Lambs December means it's time to take our lambs to the processor! At present with the management system I have, I only have lambs available for processing in December.As our market continues to grow and as our flock increases, maybe I will be able to spread out the lamb harvest, but for now, it's a one and done scenario. Those hay bale climbing ram lambs were taken in yesterday. If you'd like to reserve a whole, half, or quarter lamb bundle, do so now. Chilly Morning Weather It was a little chilly out the other morning! Beautiful, but a little hard to get out of the warm house to look after the animals. It's always rewarding once a person gets going. Best,Craig

New BBQ Seasonings Added

How was your Thanksgiving day and weekend? ​We thoroughly enjoyed our little break and change of scenery. Had a relaxing time at my sister and brother-in-law's place in Georgia. That's some pretty country over there! Now we're back home and back to the nut house! It's been a little slower in the pecan shop the last couple of days. I don't mind having a little time to sit at the computer and try to get some of my computer work caught up. Not a lot new going on with the farm animals these days. Winter is the most challenging time of the year to keep them all fed and happy. I have hay bales set out for the cows and sheep and keep moving them around the pastures to avoid making a mud mess. We've been blessed with a really nice, dry fall but it looks like the wet, rainy days are here again. The pigs get their feed like always and the chickens faithfully lay eggs although egg production drops in the winter time with the shorter daylight hours. We have a new line of BBQ seasoning in-stock. Head Country Championship Seasoning was recommended to me by a friend who loves grilling. We have the Original, High Plains Heat and Sweet & Spicy. Some folks must have too much time on their hands to come up with all these crazy cartoons, but it does make a person chuckle. Who would ever have made any sense of these cartoons a year ago? I guess we may as well make the best of it. Hope you're having a splendid day,Craig

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! I just want to take a moment to say a BIG THANK YOU to you for your business this past year! It has been a good year and we have much to be thankful for. We're getting ready to head out to see my sister and family and Georgia so we'll be closed for the next several days but will be open again on Monday. All the best,Craig

Are All Eggs Created Equal?

Well, it's been kind of a blur these past few days! We've been having fun cracking and shelling pecans and meeting all our customers, new and old.Pecan season requires lots of sampling (just to make sure they're all good, you know. Especially the chocolate covered ones.) Pasture raised laying hens After observing our flock of laying hens and enjoying the freshness and taste of their eggs, we feel the answer to the question in the subject line is a NO! Not all eggs are created equal.Our chickens get to enjoy fresh green grass, get to scratch around in the dirt and enjoy any crickets, worms or any other bugs they chance to find.Now during pecan season, they get to pick through the pecan hulls and glean any broken bits of pecan that were blown out with the hulls. They have access to all the Non-GMO feed that they can eat. In short, they have a good life. (You can buy our eggs here.) Pork I've been about to pull my hair out with the processor these days. The pork is long overdue but I think, maybe, maybe we'll get some of it home this week. Beef We have some mighty nice steers and heifers growing and putting on weight. These will be ready late spring, early summer. We're not quite ready to start taking orders for them yet but will give you a heads up when we are.

Pecans Available Now

Good morning,I won't keep you long with this newsletter. Haven't had time to collect my thoughts these days now that we're in full swing with pecan season.We have a good supply of the 'Desirable' variety of pecans. We crack, shell and blow them or if you prefer to just sit around the table and shell them out yourself, we crack & blow them.We also have some completely shelled out clean pecan halves and they are the 'Pawnee' variety.These pecans are not from our trees but we buy them directly from orchards in Georgia.That's all for this week,Craig

Jokes On Me!

You learn something new everyday. At least some of us do.The other day a potential customer emailed inquiring about some of our products and was looking for some specialty items that he wasn't seeing on our website.After emailing back and forth he asked if we had any sweetbread. I'll admit to wondering why he'd inquire about sweet bread when we were talking about grass-fed beef, but I told him that at present we don't offer sweet bread but that's something we'd like to offer in the future is baked goods and maybe some frozen casseroles. (my wife makes really good cinnamon rolls and such like)He politely informed me that he was talking about sweetbread, as in the thymus or pancreas of a grass-fed beef. Suffice it to say that I was embarrassed at my ignorance, but hey! I learned that not all sweetbread is sweet bread.(Really appreciate you asking for something in particular that you're not seeing. That helps us know what cuts and products to carry.)PorkWe FINALLY got our pigs to the processor! What a relief. We should be getting our pork cuts back in the near future.Beef Osso Bucco SaleWe're running a special on our osso bucco. Enter code Go Osso at checkout to receive an 18% discount.PecansThings are heating up on the pecan end of things. We've been cracking and shelling for the public and hope to have our pecans available by the end of this week.That's all for now. Have a great day,CraigP.S. Stock up on pasture raised broilers while supplies last. We won't be raising any more until next spring.

Maybe, Just Maybe

I've got my fingers crossed that plans don't change and that by tomorrow evening I'll have the pigs in the hands of the processor.It's been a long time in coming and I can't wait to get some good pasture raised pork! Most of what I'm taking in is spoken for already; I'm hoping we'll have at least a few cuts available for those that haven't pre-ordered.However, there are more in the making. Pictured below are more porkchops, breakfast sausage and shoulder roasts on the hoof. These guys will be ready in about 7 months. There are few things I find more enjoyable than spending time out on the pastures observing the livestock. Unfortunately it doesn't happen as often as I would like.Below are three species of animals grazing in close proximity to each other. I can't imagine not being able to enjoy a delicious grilled steak, some tacos with grass-fed ground beef or some pepper steak over rice. Can you?That's all for now. Have a great day,CraigP.S. If any of you would care to leave a Google review about your recent buying experience with New Grass Farms, we appreciate it. It helps others who are looking to source clean, healthy eating options know who they can trust.

Chickens Chillin'

How are you enjoying this beautiful fall weather? It's been an awesome fall thus far. WE DID IT! Even if it took us till 9 p.m. to get all the chickens stowed away in the freezer. We were all very glad to call it a day after our chicken processing day last Friday. It's been fun raising broilers this year and we hope to do more next year, but for now we're taking a break and going "NUTS" (pecan season is upon us and we've already been cracking and shelling some for the public). Advice One of my cousins sent me the following advice. I told him I had neither. (see image below) Pork Update We thought we'd have our freezers stocked with pasture raised pork by now, but....things happen I guess. We've been held up waiting on the processor due to some equipment issues. We think we're getting close to getting in and having them processed but have quit making estimates until we actually have them there. Life On the Farm If curiosity kills the cat, what will happen to these fine steers? They were all lined up yesterday trying to see what was going on on the other side of the fence. We're not sure how our deliveries will come together yet during pecan season, but we want to continue supplying you with wholesome farm-raised beef, chicken, pork and lamb during the next several months. We may have to enlist some help for our delivery days but we'll keep you posted. Craig P.S. We have a good supply of fresh, pasture raised, GMO free eggs.

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